Tamayorkis porphyrea

Tamayorkis porphyrea

CITES 2020

  • No method for rendering unknown description class:
  • Distribution

    México (Country) nativeA: Chihuahua nativeA; Durango nativeA; Sonora nativeA; Tamaulipas nativeA, United States of America nativeA
    A. Brown, P. M. 2003: The wild orchids of North America, North of Mexico: 236 pp.

    Forma de crecimiento (CONABIO)

  • No method for rendering unknown description class:
  • Tipo de ambiente

  • No method for rendering unknown description class:
  • Synonymy

    Tamayorkis porphyrea (Ridl.) Salazar & Soto Arenas in Acta Bot. Mex. 97: 53. 2011
    • Microstylis porphyrea Ridl. in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 24: 320. 1888
    • =Microstylis purpurea S. Watson in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 18: 195. 1883
    • =Malaxis porphyrea (Ridl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 673. 1891