Elaphoglossum dissitifrons

Elaphoglossum dissitifrons


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  • Categoría IUCN

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  • Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

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  • Description

    Rhizomes long-creeping, 4–6 mm diam.; rhizome scales ovate to ovate-lanceolate, dull tan, concolorous, mostly 5–7 mm long, entire or each with an occasional tooth or short marginal hair, scales dense, not deciduous; fronds 5–17 mm apart, 25–34(–47) X 2.6–4.3 cm; phyllopodia distinct, 2–3 cm long; stipes 1⁄5–2⁄5(–1⁄2) of the frond length, with scattered ovate to ovate-lanceolate scales, tan, occasionally with dark sclerotic tips, entire to irregularly toothed; blades narrowly elliptic, apices acute, bases broadly cuneate, coriaceous; veins obscure, free, simple or onceforked, ca. 1 mm apart, at 70–75° angle to costa; hydathodes absent; blade surfaces glabrous or subglabrous with sparse, minute, stellate trichomidia (0.1 mm), these sometimes reduced to mere dots; costae with occasional broader scales; fertile fronds equal to or slightly longer that the sterile, the stipes 2⁄5–2⁄3 of the fertile frond length, the blades similar in shape to those of sterile fronds, but narrower (1.8–2 cm wide), scales absent on abaxial blade surfaces.A
    A. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    The creeping rhizomes are similar to those of E. seminudum and E. mcvaughii, but the latter has narrower blades and bicolorous rhizome scales. Elaphoglossum dissitifrons is superficially most like E. sartorii in frond size and shape but is more closely related to E. affine, as evidenced by the broader, ovate rhizome scales.B
    B. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    México (Country) endemicC
    C. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Estatus del taxón

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  • Forma de crecimiento

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  • Forma de vida

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  • Nutrición

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  • Specimen

    Gro (Hinton 14303, NY, US; Lorea 2341, FCME, IEB, 2514, NY, 4213, FCME, IEB; Rzedowski & McVaugh 73, ENCB, MICH, 143, ENCB, MICH). Méx (Hinton 3455, LL, NY; Matuda et al. 38095, US). Oax (Mickel 4046, NY; Zamudio 8381, IEB).

    D. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Tipo de vegetación

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  • Synonymy

    Elaphoglossum dissitifrons Mickel, Brittonia 32: 335. 1980
      • =Elaphoglossum clewellianum Mickel, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 172, fig. 1988