Elaphoglossum xanthopodum

Elaphoglossum xanthopodum


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  • Categoría IUCN

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  • Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

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  • Description

    Ab E. sartorii squamis rhizomatis longibus linearibus aurantiacis abstans. (Greek, xanthos, gold, pous, foot, referring to the golden rhizome scales.)

    Rhizomes compact, short-creeping, 5–8 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear, orange, mostly ca. 10 mm long, somewhat lustrous, with irregular hair-like lateral projections, especially near the scale apices; fronds clumped, approximate to 0.5 cm distant, 15–48(–60) X 1.8–3.8(–5.5) cm; phyllopodia distinct, 1–1.5 cm long; stipes (1⁄10–)1⁄4–2⁄5 the frond length, clothed with scattered linear scales with prominent projections or dissected scales, extending onto the proximal portion of the costae, usually dark, especially at blade bases; blades narrowly elliptic, bases narrowly to broadly cuneate, apices acute to acuminate, subcoriaceous to coriaceous; veins obscure, free, simple to 2-forked, ca. 1 mm apart, at 70–80° angle to costa; hydathodes absent; adaxial surfaces glabrous; abaxial surfaces glabrous or with sparse to scattered, minute, stellate trichomidia; fertile fronds equalling or somewhat surpassing the sterile in length, stipes (1⁄6–)1⁄3–1⁄2 the frond length, blades 1⁄2–2⁄3 the sterile blade length, intersporangial scales absent.
    A. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    This species belongs to the E. sartorii complex but is distinct in the long, linear, orange rhizome scales.B
    B. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    México (Country) endemicC
    C. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Estatus del taxón

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  • Forma de crecimiento

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  • Forma de vida

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  • Nutrición

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  • Specimen

    Chis (Breedlove 21972, NY). Oax (Geith 95-MO74, NY; Hallberg 1671, NY; Mickel 854, 1128, 1620, 7386, NY). Pue (Sánchez M. 640, US). Ver (Purpus 16580, US; Riba et al. 403, NY).
    D. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Tipo de vegetación

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  • Synonymy

    Elaphoglossum xanthopodum Mickel, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 314 (f.125F-G). 2004