Elaphoglossum lepidopodum

Elaphoglossum lepidopodum


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  • Categoría IUCN

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  • Categoría NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010

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  • Description

    Rhizomes short-creeping, 2–5 mm diam.; rhizome scales lanceolate to deltate-lanceolate, brown with dark lustrous center with age, to 4 mm long, with sparse irregular marginal processes; fronds slightly spaced, 18–43 cm; phyllopodia distinct, ca. 1 cm long; stipes 1⁄8–1⁄5(–1⁄3) the frond length, scaly with tan, spreading, lanceolate to ovate scales with isodiametric cells, distally ovate to lanceolate, brown to orange-tan with irregular short processes, and minute black, appressed, round to arachnidoid scales; blades narrowly elliptic, firm, 1.5–2.8 cm wide, longacuminate at both ends to obtuse at apices; veins scarcely visible, free, simple, or once-forked, often slightly expanded laterally at tips, 1 mm apart, at ca. 70–80° angle to costa; hydathodes absent; adaxial blade surfaces glabrous; abaxial surfaces with minute black to brown stellate trichomidia; fertile fronds slightly longer than sterile and only slightly narrower, stipes 2⁄5 the frond length, with scattered scales on costal bases, glabrous adaxially.A
    A. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    This species is probably closest to E. guatemalense, agreeing with that in its slender rhizomes, lustrous rhizome scales (at least with age), irregularly toothed stipe scales, distinct phyllopodia, reduced black stellate blade scales, and distribution on the Pacific slope, but E. lepidopodum differs in its very slender fronds, thin blade texture, and scaly stipes.B
    B. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88


    México (Country) endemicC
    C. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Estatus del taxón

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  • Forma de crecimiento

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  • Forma de vida

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  • Nutrición

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  • Specimen

    Chis (Heath & Long 1045, MEXU). Oax (Campos 3103, MEXU; McVaugh 22254, ENCB, NY; Mickel 5046, NY; Rzedowski s.n., 22 Sep 1965, ENCB).

    D. Mickel, J. T. & Smith, A. R. 2004: The Pteridophytes of Mexico Vol. 88

    Tipo de vegetación

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  • Synonymy

    Elaphoglossum lepidopodum Mickel, Brittonia 32: 336. 1980, nom. illeg.
      • =Elaphoglossum loreae Mickel, Fl. Guerrero 37: 26. 2009